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Ms. Mona Zuhairi Psychotherapist
Mona El-Zuhairi is a dedicated and accomplished professional with a Master's degree in Community Psychology and over 15 years of experience. She excels as a counselor, program manager, coordinator, social worker, and research assistant, showcasing an unwavering commitment to youth nonviolence programs. Mona's expertise spans conflict transformation, mental health, and community well-being, and she has made a profound impact through her work in training, counseling, and conducting research to better understand the effects of political violence on communities. In addition to her core roles, Mona is a therapist and trainer in cognitive behavioral therapy. Her extensive experience also includes rational emotional counseling, family relationships, addiction cases, and support for battered women. Mona's skills, experience, and passion make her an invaluable asset in her multifaceted field. Mona El-Zuhairi is an accomplished professional with a Master's degree in Community Psychology and over 15 years of experience. Her expertise spans counseling, program management, social work, and research, particularly in youth nonviolence programs. She excels in conflict transformation, mental health, and community well-being. Mona is a therapist and trainer in cognitive behavioral therapy, with experience in rational emotional counseling, family relationships, addiction cases, and supporting battered women. Her skills and passion make her a valuable asset in her multifaceted field.
ما من شيء يريح الطفل ويمنحه شعورا بالطمأنينة والاستقرار اكثر من وجود برنامج ثابت وواضح لتنظيم حياته اليومية في البيت كما هو الامر في المدرسة ما يعزز قدراته على... Load More
يعرف اضطراب طيف التوحد (ASD) هو حالة نمو معقدة تتضمن تحديات مستمرة في التفاعل الاجتماعي والكلام والتواصل غير اللفظي والسلوكيات المقيدة / المتكررة، تختلف آثار طي... Load More
العمل، المواعيد النهائية، الفواتير، الواجبات والأعمال المنزلية، والقائمة تطول... تأخذنا متطلبات الحياة اليومية في جميع الاتجاهات المختلفة ، مما يتطلب وقتًا و... Load More
من الطبيعي أن يفقد الاهل صبرهم حيال تصرفات اطفالهم السلبية في الظروف الصعبة، وقد لايتفهمون هذه التصرفات (مثل رفض تناول الطعام . والتبول اللاارادي . والعدوانية .... Load More

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